Terrapin Cafe

Get the day off to a great start with a delicious breakfast buffet at Terrapin Cafe. The buffet’s selections cater to any appetite from sweet to savoury to fuel your day ahead.

  • Terrapin Cafe
  • Terrapin CafeTerrapin Cafe

    Terrapin Cafe

  • Breakfast BuffetBreakfast Buffet

    Breakfast Buffet


Located at Marriott Fallsview Hotel & Spa, the hotel’s spectacular views of Niagara Falls continue with you to breakfast at Terrapin Cafe for an inspiring start.


Please visit Niagara Falls Restaurants or call for hours


Located at Marriott Fallsview Hotel & Spa
6740 Fallsview Boulevard
Niagara Falls, Ontario l2g 3w6


905-357-7300 ext 4235